sudo apt-get install git-core git-gui git-doc
ssh -T
git config --global "John Doe"
git config --global ""
git config --global github.user jodoe
git config --global github.token 12345yourtokenabcdef
git init
git add .
git commit -m 'Initial commit'
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
niedziela, 31 lipca 2011
[solved] Cassandra TApplicationError type: 6
Today I have got strange error while using cassandra:
Cassandra encountered an internal error processing this request:
TApplicationError type: 6 message:Internal error processing
It was because I am using OrderPreservingPartitioner with IntegerType as key validator.
Trying to insert key over 127 gives above error.
This partitioner sholud be used with one of String types (e.g. utf8).
Sollution: ByteOrderedPartitioner.
Cassandra encountered an internal error processing this request:
TApplicationError type: 6 message:Internal error processing
It was because I am using OrderPreservingPartitioner with IntegerType as key validator.
Trying to insert key over 127 gives above error.
This partitioner sholud be used with one of String types (e.g. utf8).
Sollution: ByteOrderedPartitioner.
środa, 6 lipca 2011
[solved] Missing artifact hector-core
Another trap...
While trying to add hector-core dependency through the m2eclipse I got this error:
Hint: this is not a bundle...
40 minutes is lost...
While trying to add hector-core dependency through the m2eclipse I got this error:
Missing artifact me.prettyprint:hector-core:bundle:0.8.0-1:compile
Hint: this is not a bundle...
40 minutes is lost...
wtorek, 5 lipca 2011
Plotting ROC curves in ggplot2
Default ROC curves in R are disgusting. ggplot2 comes to the rescue.
First, let's write some data generating function that will be useful for ROC:
Let's write ROC plotting functions:
First, let's write some data generating function that will be useful for ROC:
getExampleDataForROC <- function(len = 100, distort = 1) {
half <- round(len/2)
### Group ###
group <- vector()
group[1:half] <- "Disease"
group[(half + 1):len] <- "Control"
group <- as.factor(group)
### Score ###
score <- vector()
score[1:half] <- 1
score[(half + 1):len] <- -1
for (i in 1:len)
score[i] <- score[i] + rnorm(1, 0, distort)
order <- order(score)
data.frame(pos = score[order], group = group[order])
Let's write ROC plotting functions:
getPointsForROC <- function(len = 100, distort = 1) {
basal <- getExampleDataForROC(len, distort)
tp <- vector(); tn <-vector(); fp <-vector(); fn <- vector()
tpr <- vector(); fpr <- vector()
acc <- vector(); spc <- vector()
len <- dim(basal)[1]
for(i in 1:len-1) {
tp[i] <- sum(basal[(i+1):len,2] == "Disease")
tn[i] <- sum(basal[1:i,2] == "Control")
fp[i] <- sum(basal[(i+1):len,2] == "Control")
fn[i] <- sum(basal[1:i,2] == "Disease")
tpr[i] <- tp[i] / (tp[i] + fn[i])
fpr[i] <- fp[i] / (fp[i] + tn[i])
acc[i] <- (tp[i] + tn[i]) / ((tp[i] + fn[i]) + (fp[i] + tn[i]))
spc[i] <- 1 - fpr[i]
points <- (cbind(fpr,tpr))[(len-1):1,]
points <- rbind(points, c(1,1))
plotROC <- function(len = 100) {
points.part1 <- getPointsForROC(len, 1)
desc.part1 <- rep("Distort = 1",len)
points.part2 <- getPointsForROC(len, 1.5)
desc.part2 <- rep("Distort = 1.5",len)
points.part3 <- getPointsForROC(len, 2)
desc.part3 <- rep("Distort = 2",len)
points.part4 <- getPointsForROC(len, 2.5)
desc.part4 <- rep("Distort = 2.5",len)
points <- rbind(points.part1, points.part2, points.part3, points.part4)
desc <- c(desc.part1, desc.part2, desc.part3, desc.part4)
data <- data.frame(TPR = points[,2], FPR = points[,1], GeneSet = desc)
colors = brewer.pal(5, "YlOrRd")[2:5]
qplot(FPR, TPR, data = data, geom = "blank", main = "ROC curve", xlab = "False Positive Rate (1-Specificity)", ylab = "True Positive Rate (Sensitivity)" ) + geom_line(aes(x = FPR, y = TPR, data = data, colour = GeneSet), size = 2, alpha = 0.7) + scale_colour_manual(values=colors)
Finally, let's generate plot:plotROC(1000)
poniedziałek, 4 lipca 2011
Plotting PCA results in ggplot2
Default PCA plots in R are disgusting. ggplot2 comes to the rescue.
First, let's write some data generating functions that will be useful for PCA:
Let's write PCA plotting function:
First, let's write some data generating functions that will be useful for PCA:
getVector <- function(n = 20, dims = 2) {
out <- vector()
breaks <- round((n/dims)*(1:dims))
start <- 1
for(i in 1:dims) {
num <- rnorm(1, 10, 1)
for(j in start:(breaks[i])) {
out[j] <- num + rnorm(1, 0, 0.2)
start <- breaks[i] + 1
getData <- function(rows = 10, cols = 20, groups = 2, dims = 2, distort = 0.5) {
out <- matrix(data = 10, nrow = rows, ncol = cols)
### make groups ###
breaks <- round((rows/groups)*(1:groups))
start <- 1
for(i in 1:groups) {
vector <- getVector(n = cols, dim = 2)
for(j in start:(breaks[i])) {
out[j,] <- vector
start <- breaks[i] + 1
### make error ###
for(i in 1:rows) {
out[i,] <- out[i,] + rnorm(n = cols, mean = 0, sd = distort)
### return ###
rownames(out) <- paste("Row ", 1:rows, sep = "")
colnames(out) <- paste("Col ", 1:cols, sep = "")
getGroup <- function(rows = 10, groups = 2) {
out <- vector()
breaks <- round((rows/groups)*(1:groups))
start <- 1
for(i in 1:groups) {
for(j in start:(breaks[i])) {
out[j] <- i
start <- breaks[i] + 1
out <- as.factor(out)
Let's write PCA plotting function:
makePcaPlot <- function(x = getData(), group = getGroup(), title = "") {
data <- x
data <- t(apply(data, 1, scale))
rownames(data) <- rownames(x)
colnames(data) <- colnames(x)
mydata <- t(data)
groupFactor <- group
mydata.pca <- prcomp(mydata, retx=TRUE, center=TRUE, scale.=TRUE)
percent <- round((((mydata.pca$sdev)^2 / sum(mydata.pca$sdev^2))*100)[1:2])
loadings <- mydata.pca$rotation
rownames(loadings) <- colnames(mydata)
scores <- mydata.pca$x
cex = 3
group <- as.character(groupFactor)
what <- groupFactor == "1"; group[what] <- "One"
what <- groupFactor == "2"; group[what] <- "Two"
group <- factor(group)
group <- factor(group, levels=c("Two", "One"), ordered=TRUE)
colors = sample(1:11, size = length(levels(group)))
PCA1 <- scores[,1]
PCA2 <- scores[,2]
base_size = 10
qplot(PCA2, PCA1, geom="blank", main = title, xlab = paste("PCA2 (", percent[2], "%)", sep = ""), ylab = paste("PCA1 (", percent[1], "%)", sep = "")) + geom_point(aes(colour = group), size = 6, alpha = 3/4) + scale_colour_manual(values=brewer.pal(11, "RdYlGn")[11:1][colors]) + opts(
axis.text.x = theme_text(size = base_size * 1.3 , lineheight = 0.9, colour = "grey50", hjust = 1, angle = 90),
axis.text.y = theme_text(size = base_size * 1.3, lineheight = 0.9, colour = "grey50", hjust = 1)
Finally, let's generate plot:makePcaPlot(getData(30,4,2,distort = 0.7), getGroup(30,2))
sobota, 2 lipca 2011
Spring Tool Suite (STS) Maven ‘Add Dependency’ does not work
There is small but annoying issue in Spring Tool Suite. After right-click on a project and selection of "add dependency" no search results are found.
1. Preferences -> Maven -> Download repository index on startup
2. Restart STS
3. Wait for index download
Or add to pom.xml
1. Preferences -> Maven -> Download repository index on startup
2. Restart STS
3. Wait for index download
Or add to pom.xml
<name>Maven Repository Switchboard</name>
Posty (Atom)